Friday, November 18, 2011

Getting Your Fresher Looking Face

!±8± Getting Your Fresher Looking Face

There are several things you can do to make your face look younger and fresher with major plastic surgery. Four examples of these procedures are: chemical peel, laser skin resurfacing, microdermabrasion, and Botox. Most of these procedures can be done at the Demonologist's office or in the comfort of your home.

Botox is known for decreasing the look of wrinkles by paralyzing the muscles in your face. The procedure will last approximately 30 minutes, and will involve a needle being inserted into your skin along the area you want treated. The effects of Botox are almost instantly noticeable, but they are temporary. In order to maintain the look, you will need to have regular Botox treatments. People who receive Botox treatments sometimes have a frozen look, and the inability to show facial expressions.

Chemical Peel: During a chemical peel, a very strong chemical is placed over the skin on your face. The chemical burns through several layers of skin. The skin then blisters are peels away. This leaves with the fresh new skin underneath. A chemical peel can remove wrinkles, freckles, acne, and other skin imperfections. A chemical peel does require some recovery time. You are essential burning off your skin.

Microdermabrasion: This procedure can be done as an in-office visit with a dermatologist, or at home. It involves a cleanser that contains tiny microcrystals, which strip away the top layer of skin on your face. It is kind of like a really effective exfoliate. Although the cleanser used is rough, it should not be particularly painful. This process is quick and less expensive than many other options. It also produces almost immediate results.

Laser Skin Removal: This procedure must be done by a dermatologist. It is using lasers to remove the top layers of skin. The skin revealed should be younger, firmer looking skin. The results of this procedure are more permanent. It can eliminate uneven skin tones, sun spots and other skin imperfections. It is more expensive, and can cause redness or slight swelling.

Getting Your Fresher Looking Face

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Severe Acne Causes Three Types of Scars - Here Are Your Treatment Options

!±8± Severe Acne Causes Three Types of Scars - Here Are Your Treatment Options

The healing of inflammatory acne lesions can lead to the emergence of patches of pigmentation in the affected area. These changes in skin color are temporary and curable. With the right treatment, the patches disappear after a few months and do not recur.

The color changes are classified into three types:

(1) Post- inflammatory pigmentation: Results in brown pigmentation.

(2) Post- inflammatory hypopigmentation: White marks appear on the skin.

(3) Post- inflammatory erythema: Purple, or pink, patches are seen.

Treatment options for post-inflammatory pigmentation include:

Chemical peel-offs: These are face packs with glycolic acid or Jessner's solution added to them.

Azelaic acid cream: This cream, also prescribed for treating moderate acne, is successful in treating pigmentation.

Protection from the sun: Brown marks darken under moderate to excessive exposure to the sun. Always apply an oil-free sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or more before going out of the house.

Severe acne causes three kinds of scarring.

These are -

1. Ice Pick scars: Appear as a series of small pits.

2. Hypertrophic/ Keloid scars: Extremely thick, lumpy scars that protrude from the skin.

3. Atrophic scars: In contrast to keloid scars, atrophic scars are thin, flat scars.

Treatment Options

There are various treatment options for each type of scar. Most scars heal completely with the right treatment, though it may take many months for this to occur. However, in a few cases, the scar recurs, even after being successfully treated.

Here are the different ways in which the three kinds of scars can be treated.

1. Ice pick scars can be treated by:Dermabrasion Cutting out larger scars Laser resurfacing2. Atrophic scars can be treated by:Dermabrasion Increasing the soft tissue through fat or collagen implants3. Hypertrophic, or keloid scars, are the most difficult of the three to treat successfully.

Despite apparently effective treatment, the scars are liable to recur within a short time.

Treatments that can be used are -Dressing of scars with silicone gel Application of strong topical steroids Steroidal injections in the lesions Cryotherapy (Cold therapy) Surgery

Severe Acne Causes Three Types of Scars - Here Are Your Treatment Options

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